Standard Washroom Taps
Our range of taps encompass some of the very latest in sleek, contemporary and modern designs, along with patented technology and independent WRAS approval for the highest quality and endurance. By replacing and selecting the correct tap for the chosen environment, not only do they improve the look and feel of the location, they also improve the water consumption and energy usage. By providing hot water for your staff and visitors, and having taps that are not running efficiently will waste the water you have paid for to be heated. To check if your taps are running efficiently, please watch the Single Volumiser 4.0 l/min Crystal Flow Demonstration video here.
Choose from our range of push down, lever or touch-less taps for energy saving and maximum efficiency. Here is just a sample of some of our tap products available. Should you have a specific requirement please do not hesitate to contact us by clicking here.